Tips to make the most of your holiday season!

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Holidays can get overwhelming and stressful! Here is a list of some great tips to stay in the joyous holiday spirit!

Set a Holiday Intension

Take a moment to slow down and set a holiday intention this season; what you want to do and how you want to be. Try to find simple solutions to benefit your intentions coming true. Intentions are great as a foundational balance for those moments when we fall out of sync with our rhythm.

Make Time for You

It's easy to get caught up in this season and try to please others or squeeze to much in during the holidays with shopping, cooking, gifts, attending parties, etc. Prioritize and listen to your mind and body and when you need a break, take care of yourself and say no, if needed.

Remember the Real Meaning of Christmas

Christmas is all about giving; take some time to volunteer with an organization, or help family or friends with their holiday jobs or chores, bake some holiday goodies for loved ones, and/or give someone a thoughtful gift. There are many ways to give, get creative and do it with love!

Skip the Old Traditions

If your lonely or grieving, Cathy Frank, MD, suggests bypassing old traditions and learning about different culture's, and/or inviting over other isolated neighbors or friends and starting new ones.

Savor your Holiday Meals

Take the time to slow down, relax, and really enjoy your meals this season. Notice the colors, the smells, the textures. Also, a bonus, hot foods are a great way to release endorphins and if you're looking for some antioxidant/antibacterial properties to improve your immunity, get some dark honey for an instant kick and energy.

Go for a Hike or Walk

Let the fall/winter sun warm you up and get your body releasing more serotonin feel-good chemical's moving. Nutrition and wellness expert Ann Kulze, MD states that "the rhythm and repetition of walking has a tranquilizing effect on your brain, and it decreases anxiety and improves sleep." Check out our Hidden Gems of Southern Utah post and go hit up some great trails this week!

Chinese Medicine: Hoku point

There is a spot on your hand between your index finger and thumb called the hoku point. It is located on the back of your hand, bring your index finger and thumb together and the muscle that bulges out is the spot to squeeze. By applying firm pressure for about 30 seconds you can reduce tension, stress, and even pain.

Keep as Many of your Routines as you Can

Routines are often broken during the holidays, and broken routines can sometimes cause stress. Figure out what routines are important to you and try to keep them, especially fitness and sleeping routines. They will give you more energy and relief some stress.

Enjoy your Favorite Holiday Music

Listening to music you love helps increase blood flow and relax blood vessels, which can calm you down and is great for your heart! So this season, crank up those tunes!