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Sylvia by A.R. Gurney

Sylvia—A Hilarious Play About a Man, A Dog and A Midlife Crisis!

Greg and Kate have recently moved to New York City from the ‘burbs after becoming empty nesters. Greg—who’s suffering through a mid-life crisis—meets a stray dog, Sylvia, in the park, and becomes hopelessly smitten. When he brings her home, Greg’s wife, Kate, is “less than enthusiastic.” She wants the dog gone, but Greg is insistent. As Greg and Sylvia build a strong bond, Kate becomes increasingly annoyed by the new family member. As weeks pass, Greg spends more and more time with Sylvia and less and less time at his job, and with Kate. Tension continues to grow between Kate and Greg, and Kate and Sylvia, as Kate sees the precocious dog as a real threat to her marriage. Sylvia can’t understand what all the fuss is about, but she’s determined to remain in the family, whatever it takes!

The play, after a series of complications—by turns hilarious and touching—culminates when the emotionally-charged relationship between Greg, Kate and Sylvia reaches a poignant and resounding resolution.

Sylvia‘s March 14th Performance: INKAS Night

Buy tickets for Sylvia’s March 14th performance and support INKAS (Ivins No-Kill Animal Supporters), a local 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. A portion of the proceeds from the evening’s ticket sales will be donated to INKAS. If you love pets, you’ll want to attend this special night’s performance!

Come early to the theatre lobby and browse the beautiful and unique hand-made gifts available for purchase, many of which were made by pet lovers like yourselves. Peruse the silent auction, enjoy refreshments and learn all about INKAS. All proceeds from the night’s gift sales and silent auction go directly to INKAS.

Sylvia Canine Photo Contest

Proud dog owners, it’s time to show them off! Submit a favorite photo of your precious pooch to the Sylvia Canine Photo Contest and you could win a generous gift certificate to a local pet store! Pet photos will be displayed in the theatre lobby during all performances of Sylvia. Play attendees will have the opportunity to vote on their favorite photos in three categories: Most Mischievous Face, Most Adorable Face, and Best Photo of Dog with His/Her Human (i.e., you and your pooch bonding!). Winners will be announced at the final night’s performance (March 17th).

Winners will receive a generous gift certificate to one of our local pet supply companies!
To submit your photo, go to and choose EVENTS. The deadline is March 4th, so hurry!

Sylvia is produced by Man of Two Worlds Productions and Center For the Arts at Kayenta.

This production of Sylvia is underwritten in part through the generous contributions of Brent and Pamela Layton, John and Marjorie Budd, and Paul and Jill Scheffel.

Sylvia will run March 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, and 16 at 7 pm; March 10 and 17 at 6 pm.