SunRiver Communities

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Three Ways to Get in the Holiday Spirit

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from everyone here at SunRiver! We hope this season has been warm, magical and full of love for each of you. Whether you're by the fireplace or far from home, we wanted to share three simple ways to get in the holiday spirit before Santa comes tonight...

Giving thoughtful gifts

As the old adage goes, “tis better to give than to receive.” And while the commercialization of Christmas can be tiring for many people, it can feel great to thoughtfully select just the perfect gift for every loved one on your list. Rather than spending time thinking about gifts you'll receive under the tree, focus on the gifts you'll give to the people you love most!

Sing, sing sing!

Feeling down this holiday season? One of the best ways to turn the blues around is through the power of music. It doesn't matter whether you're a trained professional with the voice of a nightingale or can't carry a tune in a bucket: sing your favorite Christmas songs! Whether you sing along as you play music at home, join a choir or go caroling around the neighborhood to spread Christmas cheer, the benefits of sharing and participating in music will last through the year!

Serving those less-fortunate

The holiday season is the perfect time to take stock of the many ways in which each of us is blessed, and remember that many in our lives and communities struggle through this time of year. Find ways to reach out and serve those around you – whether that means picking up the phone and reaching out to someone who has been on your mind or finding a local charity, soup kitchen or shelter to volunteer your time. No matter how you do it, trying to make a difference in the lives of others is one of the best ways to feel the holiday spirit.

However you spend this holiday season, we wish you health, happiness and many blessings. Tell us how you get in the holiday spirit in the comments below!