Senior Softball – Western National Championships  

St. George is excited to be hosting the Senior Softball Western National Championships! The games will be played all week, from Aug. 11 through Aug. 16.


147 teams will compete at the following locations throughout the greater St. George area:


· Archie H. Gubler Park (4375 Rachel Dr., Santa Clara)

· Bloomington Park (650 Man O War Rd., St. George)

· Spilsbury Sports Complex (700 N. 200 W., Hurricane)

· The Canyons Complex (1890 W. 2000 N., St. George)

· The Fields at Little Valley (2995 S. 2350 E., St. George)


Come to any of the fields from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to watch some fierce but friendly softball competition!